Tuesday, July 15, 2008

32 Days Since Last Accident

Zachary is officially sling-free today! He broke his collarbone in an intense kickball game at school a little over 4 weeks ago, and today he can officially start vacuuming again! If you want to hear all the gory details of the incident, you would be better served talking to him...I just can't do the story justice. Sufficeth to say that with Zachary, you can never compete half-way.

Timing is of course paramount. Here are a list of things that he had to give up right as the school year was ending:

  • the end of year kickball tournament
  • 5th grade puppet plays
  • field day
  • 11-year-old scout camp
  • a trip to Lagoon with his cousins
  • swimming
  • riding a bike in the Primary parade
  • fishing with scouts
  • a birthday party at Boondocks

And here are the things he gladly forsook for the last month.

  • practicing the piano with his left hand
  • vacuuming
  • walking the dog
  • taking the garbage cans to the curb
  • many other chores that might possibly compromise the left side of the body (the definition of such jobs became less and less liberal as the weeks passed)

(On a side note, we were thinking about sending some of the kids to Lagoon even though Zachary couldn't go, and then I had terrible flashbacks of the time my family went to Disneyland without me 1 week after I broke my leg. Yes, it pains me to reveal this cruel family secret. In retrospect, I realize what a great opportunity they blew. If they had taken me, they could have put me in a wheelchair and gone to the front of every line all day!)

I guess 11 years of life without breaking a bone is a pretty good track record in this family. Today we are going to celebrate Zachary's re-discovered mobility by going to piano lessons!


Charlotte said...

Congrats on the child help out. I wouldn't know what to do if my 11 year old lost the ability to be my extra 2 arms for a whole month!

I am totally looking forward to my 1 1/2 year old getting off his cast (2 1/2 more weeks). He isn't really missing anything (he is too young to know what he is missing), I am just sick of tying plastic bags around his arm for beach and bath. Luckily he has yet to realize he has a heavy club as an arm, I pitty the sibling who he figures it out with!

Unknown said...

Let your summer begin! Hopefully you got all your organizing and cleaning done and can play and enjoy fun things cast free. It is funny how memories of being the one left behind stick. My youngest brother vividly remembers being left with grandma and grandpa while the rest of the family went to Disneyland... He had to have been only 3 or 4 at the time.