Tuesday, March 3, 2009

My Real Self

Just over a week ago, Cory made travel arrangements to go down to Phoenix for a hearing. Impulsively, I decided to buy a plane ticket as a birthday gift to myself and join him there. I engaged the services of my sister-in-law (thanks Kim!) and friend (thanks Bryn!) to keep my children supervised, and headed off fancy-free to the valley of the sun. It was a super-fast trip--I landed on Thursday night and left Saturday at dinner-time--but I did my best to pack a lot in a short time. I brought my camera, but was too busy enjoying myself to actually take any pictures.

It only took about 24 hours in town to realize this was maybe not a good idea. It was too wonderful! How would I ever go home again? February in Phoenix felt like that scene in The Wizard of Oz where Dorothy walks out of the black and white world of Kansas into the technicolor vision of paradise. It all smelled so wonderful! Everything around me was viewed through the rosy-colored lenses of nostalgia. As I drove the streets, I knew exactly where I was and had a memory for every corner. I chatted long with old running friends and preschool friends and play-group friends out in the glorious outdoors. I visited with another friend in her home while chopping tomatoes for Youth Conference the following day. I attended the temple with my old ward and saw many familiar, friendly faces. Cory and I kept good friends up VERY late talking and laughing just like old times. On Saturday, we ate lunch at our favorite downtown dive (almost painfully delicious in every bite), visited with dear friends for what will be the last time in their Phoenix home as they prepare to move to San Antonio, and enjoyed a perfect afternoon at a Spring Training game. Then we stopped in at the best used bookstore anywhere, and managed to escape with only 4 books--pretty disciplined for the 2 of us, and finished the day off with ice cream. Somewhere in the middle of all of this, I felt almost like I was re-discovering an old forgotten friend--myself...my Phoenix self. I flew home on Sunday both exhausted and refreshed.

I think I came home with fresh eyes. I came home that evening and had a wonderful time chatting with a fun and devoted sister-in-law. I spent Sunday afternoon visiting with two remarkable women in my Relief Society presidency. On Monday, I went on a preschool fieldtrip where I could rub shoulders with good and kind women who are wonderful examples and fun to talk to. That evening another friend stopped by to bring me a thoughtful birthday gift. I realized suddenly that I have been blessed to make good friends wherever I live. I don't think I have been grateful enough for that. It was good to go back and it was good to come home. I will always miss things about Phoenix, but I need to open my eyes to the good things that are around me in Draper too. And next time I go to Arizona, maybe I should do it in August.

1 comment:

Charlotte said...

I know what you mean. I have very fond memories of all the places I've lived and love to reconnect with old friends. I spent last week on an unexpected trip out west without husband and kids and it was nice reconnecting with myself.