Friday, October 31, 2008

The Psychology of Halloween Costume Selection

Here is my obligatory Halloween costume posting. All my little ghouls and goblins are buzzing and bouncing and shooting around the house on sugar highs. It's clearly going to be several hours before they come down to earth long enough to fall asleep, so I thought I would take this time to hide in the office and upload their costume pictures. The choices they made this year are very revealing about their individual personalities, I think.

Zachary chose to be a football player. Yeah, yeah, I know you already know this child is obsessed with anything to do with sports, but I don't think that's the real reason he chose this. And maybe you think he wanted to be a football player because that's what all his friends are going as this year, and he is in sixth grade when things like that really begin to matter to these guys, but that's not really why either. The real reason he went as a football player is that it meant he didn't have to make any effort whatsoever to be creative...I just love that kid.

Noah made a list sometime back when he was in preschool of all the costumes that are scary, and he has been systematically working his way through that list ever since. We have done vampire, mummy, and ghost. This year he chose to get skeleton out of the way. Unfortunately, we didn't try on the costume before we bought it, and when he pulled it on Halloween night and discovered it was 3 inches to short, it was just way too late to do anything about it. It turns out that skeletons just aren't that scary with three inches of ankle and wrist showing. Just call him, "Stretch."

Isaac's choice went something like this, "Isaac, you can be a vampire, a pirate, or a Jedi." Isaac's reply, "Umm....vampire!" There are some disadvantages to being the 3rd boy in a family.

Anna's choice I'm sure comes as a shock to no one....she wanted to be a pink noonicorn. What is shocking, however is that I actually found a pink unicorn costume. She loved it! Then the boys told her that Halloween costumes were supposed to be scary. She thought long and hard about that one. Then she offered her own solution. "I can get a shotgun!"


Minnie Mouse (I'm not sure what this says about me besides the fact that I aready had the dress. I love Halloween!)

1 comment:

Charlotte said...

I love the insights into the kids. Also, the new look of the blog is great!

My kids might never sleep again after the sugar they just ate.